Science Fiction Series Reviews

Love, Death, and Robots: Animated Sci-Fi Shorts

If you've read any of my science fiction, you already know that I'm a big fan of short sci-fi stories. This isn't true in just writing - but also when it comes to streaming as well. One of my favorite go-to sources is the...

Nightflyers: A Science Fiction Series Review

Nightflyers is a show that kept popping up on Netflix. It had that horror-y sci-fi vibe that intrigued me... so I added it to my queue. After watching the trailer, my husband was on the fence about the show... but I managed...

The First: A Science Fiction Series Review

    I’m always looking for great science fiction, but sometimes things aren’t what I expect them to be. That’s pretty much what happened w ith “ The First” streaming on Hulu. I was ready to see a story unfold...

Science Fiction Books

Ardent Redux Universe by Science Fiction Author J. L. Stowers
Genesis Rising by Science Fiction Author J. L. Stowers
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