The Ardent Redux Saga

A Space Opera Adventure

The Ardent Redux Saga is a growing space opera serial and is the primary series in the Ardent Redux Universe.
These short episodes are similar to what you would expect to experience when streaming a space opera series.

Each episode is one part of a bigger storyline and they should be read in order from start to finish. Every episode in this space opera series runs right around 30,000 words – which takes the average reader about 1.5 to 3 hours to read.

ARS: Season 1

Following in her father’s footsteps, Star Captain Dani Devereaux longed to fill the absence left in the universe by the death of her heroic father.

She proudly charged into each battle with the alien enemy with two goals in mind: winning, and preserving the lives of those under her command.

But when Dani’s ship falls prey to a trap, her priority is to get as many people out of danger as she can.

Unable to save everyone, Dani assumes full responsibility for the lives lost.

But nothing is as it seems. With an unseen source feeding her information, Dani starts to wonder who really set the trap.

Pulling at loose threads unravels a tapestry of lies with Dani at the center. Now it’s up to her to put the pieces together and uncover the truth, before billions more die.

But first, she’ll need to rally her crew, acquire a new ship, and seek the help of the rebels, pirates, and aliens to take on the biggest threat in the galaxy.

A close up of Roni, the daughter of the Rebel Leader. She's wearing a form-fitting leather catsuit and holding her weapon of choice - electrified swords. Roni has dark hair that has been dyed red, black lipstick, and a mean disposition. She's the main character in Operation Ardent Redux, a mini-series in the Ardent Redux Universe, a space opera adventure.

Operation Ardent Redux

Ardent Redux Allies

Two exciting mini-series explore the events that take place between Season 1 and Season 2 of the Ardent Redux Saga.

Will you venture out with the Rebels in Operation Ardent Redux?

Or will you see what the space pirate life is all about in Ardent Redux Allies?

Read one or both mini-series for more of your favorite Ardent Redux characters.

A close up view of Sylvine, an alien woman who joins Dani's crew temporarily in season one of the Ardent Redux Saga. Determined to save her people, Sylvine joins up with the pirates in the exciting Ardent Redux Allies mini-series, taking place between season one and season two of the Ardent Redux Saga.

ARS: Season 2

Season 2 is currently in development.

After Houston’s Peril – the members of the beloved crew venture out on their own… but not for long. During their travels they discover important details in the plot against them – and others, all while learning how everything is more connected than they ever could have imagined. 

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A brilliantly colored quasar in the distance of space behind the words "Season 2 - Coming 2024" which indicate that season 2 of the Ardent Redux Saga, an exciting space opera adventure by science fiction author J. L. Stowers is expected to release in 2024.

What is the Ardent Redux Saga?

The Ardent Redux Saga is the flagship series in the Ardent Redux Universe

This space opera serial is written like a television show. The books are called “Episodes” and each episode in the Ardent Redux Saga is packed with action and adventure. 

Each episode is right around 30,000 words in length and can typically be read in 2 hours or less. 

Five episodes make up a season, meaning readers get about 150,000 words (or 10 hours of reading time) per season. 

What is a Space Opera?

A space opera is a large-scale space adventure.

It’s a subgenre of science fiction with an emphasis on space warfare, adventures, character relationships, and more. Space opera also tends to have high stakes – meaning that the universe is usually at risk of something horrible happening. 

Some sci-fi fans consider Star Wars and Star Trek to be space operas. Other works commonly found on the space opera list include:

  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Stargate
  • Battlestar Galactica 
  • Farscape
  • Dark Matter
  • Orville
  • The Expanse
  • Lost in Space
  • Cowboy Bebop

and many more.